School Students
On the Web
Over 80 film clips you can watch online or download to your computer.
Featured: Trench Warfare
A short film showing some of the features associated with trench warfare on the Western Front during World War One.
Original footage from the First World War:
- A day in the life of a Munition Worker
- Scenes from the Western Front, Christmas 1915
- Indian Troops at the Front
Browse the film collection for more footage from the First World War
First World War Timelines

Use the interactive timelines to find out about the key events from the First World War and explore what the major poets of the period were doing at the time.
Explore the:
- Letters they wrote
- Diaries they kept
- Poetry they authored
You can even upload your own dataset and view it on the timeline.
Real Lives
Walk through the lives of some of major poets of the First World War. Explore their poetry, diaries, and letters.
Real lives uses the Pathways Tool. Find out more about the pathways tool.

Listen to veterans talk about their experiences of the War and today's experts discuss the topics on World War One history and literature.
Featured: The 1914 Christmas Truce. Interview with Henry Williamson, 1963.
Henry Williamson, a private of the London Regiment on Western Front, remembers a conversation he had with a German soldier during the 1914 Christmas Truce when both sides ceased fire and met in No Man's Land.
Find Audio:
- Listen to more voices from the War by browsing the audio collection.
- Visit the podcasts page for interviews with experts and recordings of talks and lectures.