Publications of War
'Publications of War' provides a set of example publications to supplement the archive. This includes the complete run of issues of The Hydra. This was the magazine produced by the patients resident at Craiglockhart Military Hospital during the First World War, notably Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon. It is understandable that upon Owen's arrival at the hospital he was drawn to this literary outlet. Stallworthy in his biography of Owen (Wilfred Owen, Oxford, 1977, pp. 192-215 pbk. ed.) details Owen's contributions to the journal, most notably his taking over the editorship in time for the edition of the 4th August, 1917 (which also records the arrival of Sassoon at the hospital). The Hydra also records the first appearance of one of his poems in print 'Song of Songs' in the issue dated 1st September, 1917 (which also includes Sassoon's 'Dreamers').
In most other cases publications are single issues of each journal (which could in effect mean it is the complete print run). The items cover a range of publications from trench newspapers, propaganda material, and comical gifts.
The Publications

The Hydra, 28th April 1917 - July 1918

AIF magazine, March 1919, Issue 12

Otherwise know as London in the Line, November 1918.

Satire on The Daily Mail

Final issue of 2nd Corps newspaper, July 3rd 1919

Propaganda telling of German atrocities.

Propaganda newsletter, September (?) 1914

Two issues of The Grey Brigade, otherwise known as the Richmond Camp News.

German newspaper, January 1915

A selection of items digitised from the John Johnson collection, University of Oxford.
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