Exploring language


Being aware of how words are used at different times is important when reading older texts, even if these are not very old. The language that was used by the war poets a hundred years ago is very similar to what we find today, but looking closer we may find that some words have changed meaning or are used in other contexts. Being aware of these changes are important when trying to understand a text.

In this exercise we will move away from the poetry and instead look at how slang from the First World War has come into everyday use. To do this we need a corpus – a collection of different kinds of texts showing how people write and speak, such as the British National Corpus, a collection of over 100 million words of spoken and written English from the early 1990s.

You can use the corpus online in several places. One popular tool is found at https://www.english-corpora.org/bnc/ Here, you can search the BNC and other collections of text for free. (Note that you will be asked to register. See below for details of an alternative tool which does not require registration).



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